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Explore - 'ridgeway'

The Devil's Punchbowl, map circa 1913

The Devil's Punchbowl, Childrey

25 October 2023

Childrey Parish, Vale of the White Horse

How this smooth-sided Oxfordshire valley close to the Ridgeway got its devilish name is somewhat mysterious.

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Scutchamer Knob

Moots and Burials at Scutchamer Knob

10 May 2021

Cuckhamsley Hill, Harwell

Standing high on the Ridgeway, the hill known as Scutchamer Knob is a location with more than a few myths and legends.

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Wayland's Smithy

Wayland's Smithy

22 April 2021

Wayland's Smithy, The Ridgeway, Ashbury

If you leave a coin and your horse at Wayland's Smithy overnight, in the morning your coin will be gone and your horse will have new shoes.

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