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Explore - 'hospitals'

The Home of Compassion, Catherine's Street, Oxford

Infant deaths at the 'Home of Compassion'

23 September 2021

Catherine Street, Oxford

The 'Home of Compassion' was a Cowley-based foundling hospital, but with a shocking mortality rate.

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Littlemore Lunatic Asylum

Littlemore Lunatic Asylum

20 August 2021

Sandford Road, Littlemore

In 1884 a misunderstanding between staff at Littlemore Asylum saw a confused visitor being stripped, bathed and confined to bed as a patient.

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Clattercote Priory

The Leper Hospital at Clattercote Priory

6 August 2021

Clattercote Priory Farm, Claydon, Banbury

The Gilbertine Order at Clattercote provided shelter and treatment for those suffering from leprosy.

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