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Weston Manor Hotel, Weston on the Green

Weston Manor Hotel, Weston on the Green

Photo: Motacilla, CC BY-SA 3.0

Mysterious Maude of the Manor at Weston on the Green

3 March 2021 (Updated 4 January 2024)

The ghost of a nun known as Maude is supposed to make her presence known to guests staying in 'The Oak Room' at Weston Manor House, the property now known as The Manor Country House Hotel.

Maude's monastic boyfriend

Maude was supposed to have had an affair with a monk at a time when such relationships expressly forbidden by church authorities. The monk was excommunicated and 'Mad Maude' was reportedly burned at the stake!

This cruel and barbarous act is supposed to have taken place near the inn, and as a result, Maude's ghost is believed to haunt the hotel to this day.

Other hauntings at Weston Manor House

The hotel is also believed to be haunted by a dairymaid who killed herself by jumping from the roof, perhaps after being seduced by the buildings' owner.

Richard Holland also reports that a ghostly coach has also been seen driving across the courtyard at the hotel.


  1. 'Haunted Inns and Taverns' by Andrew Green (ISBN: 0747802947)
  2. 'Oxfordshire Ghost Stories' by Richard Holland (2013, The History Press, ISBN: 9781902674735)
  3. www.hauntedhostelries.uk
