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Explore - Folklore & Legends

Matthew Hopkins Witch Finder General

Foxes and Witches in Kirtlington

8 March 2021


The popular belief that witches could turn themselves into animals is at the centre of this legend about a local Kirtlington woman.

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St Margaret's Well, Binsey

St Margaret's Well at Binsey

26 February 2021


Every year thousands make a pilgrimage to this well to sample the water which is believed to have miraculous healing properties.

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View of the Rollright Stones by William Stukeley (1687 – 1765)

The Rollright Stones

25 February 2021

Little Rollright, Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

Many legends surround the dramatic Rollright Stones at Long Compton, including witches, kings and stones that move of their own accord!

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