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Explore - Folklore & Legends

Dorchester Abbey

Saints, Snakes and Bones at Dorchester Abbey

30 May 2021

Dorchester Abbey, High St, Dorchester

After St Birinus was killed by a snake bite, a local legend states that no snake can live within earshot of the bell at Dorchester Abbey.

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A turf maze

Troy Maze at Somerton

28 May 2021

Troy Farm, Somerton

The Troy Maze at Somerton is a rare example of a genuine post-medieval turf maze in England.

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The Sandpit, Shotover Country Park

The Giant of Shotover Hill

23 May 2021

Shotover Country Park, Shotover, Oxford

Was Shotover Hill once home to a hill carving fit to rival the Cerne Abbas giant?

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Ashbury, Oxfordshire

A Forgotten Stone Circle at Ashbury

20 May 2021

Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Ashbury

It is believed that the village of Ashbury was built on the site of an ancient stone circle, as is evidenced by the sarsen stones scattered around the village.

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Ambrosden Church

The Devil at Ambrosden Church

11 May 2021

Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Church Walk, Ambrosden

Legend has it that the Devil himself sought to hamper the people of Ambrosden in their attempts to build a parish church.

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Scutchamer Knob

Moots and Burials at Scutchamer Knob

10 May 2021

Cuckhamsley Hill, Harwell

Standing high on the Ridgeway, the hill known as Scutchamer Knob is a location with more than a few myths and legends.

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St. Mary's Church, Cropredy

The Headless St. Fremund at Cropredy

6 May 2021

St Mary's Church, Church Lane, Cropredy

St. Mary's Church at Cropredy has a link to an 8th-century saint with a particularly macabre backstory.

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Symon Wysdom's House, Burford

Wife Selling and Rough Music in Burford

4 May 2021

Symon Wysdom's House, 1 High Street, Burford

A Burford man who attempted to 'sell' his wife at Chipping Norton market in 1855 got more than he bargained for!

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