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Explore - West Oxfordshire

Blenheim Palace

The 'Royalist Devil' of Blenheim Palace

2 May 2021

Blenheim Palace, Woodstock

In Autumn 1649 the Parliamentary forces stationed at Woodstock Manor were subject to a terrifying and prolonged supernatural assault.

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The Iron Well at Cornbury Park

Spanish Liquor Day in Wychwood Forest

30 April 2021

Cornbury Park, Charlbury

On Palm Sunday it is traditional for villagers to walk into Wychwood forest to collect spring water to mix with liquorice to make 'Spanish Water'.

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Chipping Norton map

A Cut Throat at Chipping Norton

10 April 2021

Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire

The troubled marriage of Joseph and Henrietta Walker ended in murder in 1887.

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Lodge Cottage, Blenheim Estate

Murder and Madness on Blenheim Estate

7 April 2021

Water Meadow Gate, Blenheim Park, Bladon

Petty grievances can get out of hand among people who are forced to work together, as is shown by the murder of William Beckley.

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Hampden House, Cassington

The Murder of Mary Hanna Allen at Cassington

3 April 2021

Hampton House, The Green, Cassington

A broken love affair ended in tragedy when the wayward Harry Rowles murdered Mary Hanna Allen at her home in Cassington in December 1877.

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Pudlicote Lane

A White Lady and Hidden Treasure at Pudlicote

29 March 2021

A361, Pudlicote, Chipping Norton

The ghost of a 'white lady' known as 'Gran' is said to haunt a junction near Pudlicote, Chipping Norton. Some say she hid a hoard of sovereigns nearby.

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Meeting House Lane

The Murder of Ann Merrick at Witney

29 March 2021

Meeting House Lane, Witney

"I shall kill Ann Merrick tonight or tomorrow night. And there's another down the street I'd like to serve the same. My sister!"

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The Hoar Stone, Enstone

The Hoar Stone at Enstone

16 March 2021

B4022, Enstone

This Neolithic monument stands at the intersection of two lay lines. The largest stone is believed to walk to the pub on Midsummer's eve for a drink.

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Hawk Stone at Dean

The Hawk Stone at Dean

16 March 2021

Dean, near Spelsbury

It is believed that the cleft at the top of this standing stone was made by the chains of the witches who were chained to the stone to be burned.

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