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Explore - West Oxfordshire

A map of Taston circa 1896

Thor Stone at Taston

4 January 2022

Taston Road, Taston

This standing stone is said to be all that remains of a lightning bolt thrown to earth by the Norse God Thor!

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The River Evenlode

Beating the Bounds Tragedy at Charlbury

29 December 2021

River Evenlode, Charlbury

A quaint custom ended in disaster in 1924 when a capsized boat on the River Evenlode resulted in the drowning of three children.

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Lyneham Longbarrow

A Headless Encounter at Lyneham Longbarrow

14 December 2021

A361, Burford - Chipping Norton

A man claims to have encountered a headless figure one dark winters night while walking from Chipping Norton to Burford.

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Bampton Manor House

An Exorcism at Bampton Manor House

24 November 2021

Broad Street, Bampton

When troubled by a restless spirit, the residents at Bampton Manor House opted to trap the ghost in a barrel of beer!

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Saint Mary's Church, Bampton

Halloween Divination at Bampton Church

23 November 2021

Church Lane, Bampton

If you wished to find out who was going to die in Bampton, you just needed to go to the church at midnight on 31 October!

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Map of Langley

Ghosts of Langley Palace Hunting Lodge

12 October 2021

Langley Farm, Langley

The ghost of a woman with an anguished face has been seen close to the site of this former royal hunting lodge.

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The Burford Dragon Ceremony (1980)

Dragon Ceremony at Burford

8 October 2021


Every midsummer a dragon puppet is paraded through the streets of Burford in a ceremony that dates back over 1200 years.

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Road leading to Hilltop Garden Centre, near Ramsden

Ghostly White Stallion near Ramsden

30 September 2021

B4022 Witney Road, near Ramsden

This equine apparition has been witnessed in the vicinity of Hilltop Garden Centre. Could it be connected to other local phantoms?

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46 High Street, Witney

Hauntings at 46 High Street Witney

24 September 2021

46, High Street, Witney

The Grade II listed building at 46 High Street Witney was at one time haunted by a previous owner who committed suicide.

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