A Broken Heart at the White Hart, Minster Lovell
3 March 2021
The White Hart, Burford Road, Minster Lovell
This old coaching inn is said to be haunted by the ghost of young Victorian woman who hanged herself in one of the bedrooms after a broken love affair.
Ghosts of the Tear Drop Room, Wallingford
3 March 2021
The George Hotel, High Street, Wallingford
Unusual 'tear drop' wallpaper in one of the bedrooms at the George Hotel tells the ghostly tale of a 17th century suicide.
The Ghost of an American Airman
3 March 2021
Grove, Wantage
The ghost of an American airman who took is own life during the war is said to haunt one of the hangers in what remains of what was once RAF Grove.
Civil War Ghosts in Dead Man's Walk
26 February 2021
Dead Man's walk, Merton College, Oxford
Royalist Francis Windebank was executed by firing squad outside Oxford Town Hall in 1645. His ghost can be seen walking the nearby path known as Dead Man's Walk.
Ghost of Archbishop Laud at St. John's College, Oxford
26 February 2021
St. John's College, St Giles, Oxford.
The ghost of beheaded Civil War Royalist Archbishop Laud is said to bowl his head across the library floor at St John's College.
A Poltergeist at the Kenton Theatre, Henley-on-Thames
26 February 2021
Kenton Theatre, New Street, Henley-on-Thames
Does the ghost of Victorian murder Mary Blandy haunt this 200 year-old theatre?
Cowled Figure at the Bull Inn, Henley-on-Thames
26 February 2021
The Bull Inn, Bell Street, Henley-on-Thames
Guests have reported being woken by the figure of a cowled woman leaning over their bed when staying at this 16th century inn.
Sticky End of Father Dominique at Pishall
26 February 2021
The Crown Inn, Pishill, Henley-on-Thames
The ghost of a catholic priest who may have been seduced by a beautiful young woman is one of the ghosts said to haunt the The Crown Inn at Pishall.