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Explore - Oxford City

Oxford Castle

Courtroom Curses at the Black Assize

29 March 2021

Oxford Castle, New Road, Oxford

The 'Black Assize' was the name given to the assize courts held at Oxford in 1577, during which at least 300 people died of an unknown illness.

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Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley being burned at the stake

The Burning of the Oxford Martyrs

29 March 2021

Broad Street, Oxford

An iron cross marks the spot where three bishops were burned at the stake in 1555 and 1556 for refusing to convert to Catholicism.

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University College Oxford

The Ghost of Obadiah Walker at University College Oxford

24 March 2021

University College, High Street, Oxford

University College is said to be haunted by the ghost of Obadiah Walker, who was Master of the college during the latter half of the 17th century.

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Wadham College

Ghostly Monks at Wadham College

23 March 2021

Wadham College, Park Road, Oxford

Wadham College stands on the site of an Augustinian Priory. Sightings of ghostly monks have long been reported in the college grounds.

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Godstow Abbey

Fair Rosamund's Ghost at Godstow Abbey

12 March 2021

Godstow Nunnery, Wolvercote, Oxford

The tragic ghost Henry II's mistress Rosamund Clifford is said to haunt the ruins of Godstow Abbey, Wolvercote.

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A wild boar

Christmas Traditions at Queen's College

11 March 2021

Queen's College, High Street, Oxford

A near miss with a wild boar inspired an unusual culinary tradition at Queen's College, Oxford

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Roger Bacon

The Brazen Head at Brasenose College, Oxford

10 March 2021

Brasenose College, Radcliffe Square, Oxford

According to legend the name of Brasenose College comes from a speaking brass door knocker created by the medieval philosopher Roger Bacon.

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Divinity Road

A Murderous Student in Divinity Road

10 March 2021

Divinity Road, East Oxford

"One moonshiny night, as I sat high, Waiting for one to come by, The boughs did bend, my heart did ache, To see what hole the fox did make."

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Dead Man's Walk, Oxford

Civil War Ghosts in Dead Man's Walk

26 February 2021

Dead Man's walk, Merton College, Oxford

Royalist Francis Windebank was executed by firing squad outside Oxford Town Hall in 1645. His ghost can be seen walking the nearby path known as Dead Man's Walk.

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