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Charlbury Crossroads1

A Suicide Buried at the Crossroads

16 June 2021

B4022, Charlbury

The crossroads known as 'Condive's Corner' is believed to be haunted by a suicide. Or was it a murder?

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Horley map

'She dared me to do it': Murder at Horley

11 June 2021

Horley, Banbury

In May 1952 Oliver Butler strangled Rose Meadows. He told police she was obsessed with death and had egged him on to killer her. Was he telling the truth?

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Towersey Church

The Headless Horseman of Towersey

10 June 2021

St Catherine's Church, Church Lane, Towersey

The ghost of a headless Civil War cavalier can reportedly be seen riding between the place of his death and St Catherine's Church, Towersey.

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Map of Frogwelldown Lane, Yarnton

Civil War Ghosts in Froggledown Lane, Yarnton

6 June 2021

Froggledown Lane, Yarnton

The sound of the Royalist troops marching through is said to haunt this footpath near Yarnton.

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'Death by misadventure' at RAF Abingdon

5 June 2021

RAF Abingdon

On 5 April 1939 Pilot Officer paid the ultimate price for his inadequate flight suit during bombing practice over Abingdon Airfield.

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The Hoar Stone at Steeple Barton

Hoar Stones and Burial Mounds at Barton Park

4 June 2021

Barton Park, A4260

In the grounds of Barton Park can be found the remains of a long barrow marked by a group of stones. Move these stones at your peril!

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The Trout Inn, Godstow

Fair Rosamund's Ghost at the Trout Inn

1 June 2021

The Trout Inn, Godstow Road, Wolvercote

The ghost of 'Fair Rosamund' Clifford, mistress to Henry II, is said to haunt the scene of their secret trysts at the Trout Inn at Godstow.

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Tom Quad at Christ Church

Bullingdon Club in 'Orgy of Destruction' at Christ Church

31 May 2021

Christ Church College, St Aldates, Oxford

After a drunken dinner party, members of the exclusive Bullingdon Club smashed all 468 windows in the main quad at Christ Church College.

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Dorchester Abbey

Saints, Snakes and Bones at Dorchester Abbey

30 May 2021

Dorchester Abbey, High St, Dorchester

After St Birinus was killed by a snake bite, a local legend states that no snake can live within earshot of the bell at Dorchester Abbey.

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Phantom Hitch-hiker at Asthall

29 May 2021

Asthall Manor, Asthall

Asthall has its own variant on the classic phantom hitch-hiker urban legend concerning a vanishing 'gypsy-like' girl.

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