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Saint Mary's Church, Bampton

Halloween Divination at Bampton Church

23 November 2021

Church Lane, Bampton

If you wished to find out who was going to die in Bampton, you just needed to go to the church at midnight on 31 October!

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Adderbury church

The Ghost of Sir George Cobb at Adderbury

23 November 2021

Sir Georges Lane, Adderbury

It is claimed that the spectral funeral coach of Sir George Cobb can be seen in the vicinity of his former home in Adderbury.

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A map of Banbury circa 1900

Man assaults woman, claims to be bulldog

22 November 2021

North Bar Street, Banbury

In 1873 Richard Eden assaulted Elizabeth Gunn in North Bar Street, Banbury. At his trial, he made some startling claims.

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Wheatley lock-up

The Wheatley village lock-up

17 November 2021

Church Road, Wheatley

This unusual hexagonal building was built in 1834 to house criminals and drunks until they could be taken to the Oxford magistrate.

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St. Helen's Church, West St. Helen's Street, Abingdon

Poltergeist in West St Helen Street, Abingdon

16 November 2021

West St Helen Street, Abingdon

In May 1891, Abingdon was troubled by a poltergeist who persistently threw objects through windows in the vicinity of West St Helen Street.

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Grove Street, Oxford

Magpie Lane or Grope Lane? Oxford's rudest road

9 November 2021

Magpie Lane, Oxford

This Oxford street once went by a considerably cruder name than it does today!

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St. Mary's Church, Upper Heyford

Gun Tragedy at Upper Heyford Church

9 November 2021

St. Mary's Church, Church Walk, Upper Heyford

In 1885, Frederick Charles Walton was found shot in the head near the church shortly after Sunday service. Murder or accident?

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Merton College, viewed across Merton Field.

Tolkien's Ghost at Merton College

1 November 2021

Merton College, Merton Street, Oxford

J.R.R. Tolkien's ghost is said to walk the quads and corridors of Merton College, leaving behind it a distinctive whiff of pipe smoke!

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The Eagle and Child, St. Giles, Oxford

Ghosts and Inklings at the Eagle and Child

1 November 2021

St. Giles' Street, Oxford

The Eagle and Child pub was once home to a famous literary group, but its cellars are said to be home to more sinister visitors.

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An old postcard of Wantage Market Place

The Decapitation of Ann Pullen

27 October 2021

The White Hart Inn, Grove Street, Wantage

During the Wantage Fair of 1833, the body of the landlady of the White Hart Inn was found, her head severed by a single blow.

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