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The Swan Inn, Rose Island, River Thames

Drowned Man Causes Oxfordshire/Berkshire Dispute

18 October 2021

River Thames near Kennington

When Charles Andrews drowned in the Thames near Kennington it sparked an inter-county argument over who was responsible for his body.

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Map of Langley

Ghosts of Langley Palace Hunting Lodge

12 October 2021

Langley Farm, Langley

The ghost of a woman with an anguished face has been seen close to the site of this former royal hunting lodge.

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The Randolph Hotel and Lord Randolph Churchill

A Lordly Assault at the Randolph Hotel

11 October 2021

Randolph Hotel, Beaumont Street, Oxford

In March 1870, Lord Randolph Churchill was arrested for an alleged drunken assault on a police constable outside the Randolph Hotel.

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The Burford Dragon Ceremony (1980)

Dragon Ceremony at Burford

8 October 2021


Every midsummer a dragon puppet is paraded through the streets of Burford in a ceremony that dates back over 1200 years.

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Wycliffe Hall, Oxford

Pantry Boy Murdered at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford

30 September 2021

Wycliffe Hall, Banbury Road, Oxford

In 1938 the University of Oxford was rocked by the murder of a sixteen-year-old pantry boy by a theological student at Wycliffe Hall.

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Road leading to Hilltop Garden Centre, near Ramsden

Ghostly White Stallion near Ramsden

30 September 2021

B4022 Witney Road, near Ramsden

This equine apparition has been witnessed in the vicinity of Hilltop Garden Centre. Could it be connected to other local phantoms?

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John Haydock

Richard Haydock, fraudulent sleeping preacher of New College

24 September 2021

New College, Holywell Street, Oxford

Richard Haydock became famous for his apparent ability to preach sermons in his sleep, sermons that he claimed to have no memory of when waking.

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Hinksey pools diving board 1936

Deaths at the opening of Oxford's first public bath

24 September 2021

Corner of Castle Street and New Road, Oxford

Joy turned to horror in June 1852 when two were killed in an explosion at the opening of the Oxford City Bath and Washhouse.

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46 High Street, Witney

Hauntings at 46 High Street Witney

24 September 2021

46, High Street, Witney

The Grade II listed building at 46 High Street Witney was at one time haunted by a previous owner who committed suicide.

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The Home of Compassion, Catherine's Street, Oxford

Infant deaths at the 'Home of Compassion'

23 September 2021

Catherine Street, Oxford

The 'Home of Compassion' was a Cowley-based foundling hospital, but with a shocking mortality rate.

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