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A turf maze

Troy Maze at Somerton

28 May 2021

Troy Farm, Somerton

The Troy Maze at Somerton is a rare example of a genuine post-medieval turf maze in England.

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The B4100 at Souldern

Ghostly Morris 1000 Traveller at Souldern

27 May 2021

B4100 near Souldern

The B4100 Bicester to Banbury road near Souldern is the site of a curious haunting involving a disappearing car!

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Sandford Lasher

Sandford Lasher: Oxfordshire's Most Deadly Water?

26 May 2021

Sandford Lock, Sandford-on-Thames, Oxford

The weir known as Sandford Lasher has a terrible reputation for taking the lives of unwary swimmers, including the boy who inspired 'Peter Pan'.

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Highwaymen of Shotover

25 May 2021

Old Road, Shotover Country Park

The old road through Shotover Forest was in the past notorious as a haunt of highwaymen looking to steal from unwary travellers.

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Wolvercote Map

Duck Prank Leads to Murder at Wolvercote

24 May 2021

Wolvercote, Oxford

When accused of stealing a duck Thomas Beesley denied it, but 'He was proved a liar by the loud quacking coming from his coat pocket'!

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The Sandpit, Shotover Country Park

The Giant of Shotover Hill

23 May 2021

Shotover Country Park, Shotover, Oxford

Was Shotover Hill once home to a hill carving fit to rival the Cerne Abbas giant?

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Watch Folly, Ipsden

Ghost of a Hanged Shepherd Boy, Ipsden

22 May 2021

Watch Folly, near Ipsden

The hill known as Watch Folly is haunted by the ghost of a shepherd boy who was hanged from an oak tree by sheep stealers.

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The George Hotel, Dorchester on Thames

Haunted George Hotel in Dorchester on Thames

21 May 2021

The George Hotel, High Street, Dorchester on Thames

This historic coaching inn is haunted by a sad woman dressed in white. What is the cause of her tears?

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Ashbury, Oxfordshire

A Forgotten Stone Circle at Ashbury

20 May 2021

Church of St. Mary the Virgin, Ashbury

It is believed that the village of Ashbury was built on the site of an ancient stone circle, as is evidenced by the sarsen stones scattered around the village.

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George Cruikshank's engraving of The Gin Shop (1829)

Death by Gin at Brize Norton

18 May 2021

Brize Norton, West Oxfordshire

In 1858 five people became sick and two died after drinking from the same bottle of gin. Was a poisoner at large in Brize Norton?

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