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Explore - Cherwell

Banbury Cross and Horse Fair

A Statue to Dagon at Banbury?

14 April 2021

Banbury Cross, A361, Banbury

In July 1600 the High Cross at Banbury was pulled down by Puritans, who considered the images thereon a form a pagan idolatry.

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Red Lion, Kidlington

Ghosts at the Red Lion, Kidlington

8 April 2021

The Red Lion, Oxford Road, Kidlington

This Kidlington pub is reported to be haunted by the ghost of a woman who died in the fire that destroyed the pub's original building.

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A Murder at Williamscot

30 March 2021

Williamscot, near Banbury

In January 1852 a young Italian immigrant told authorities in Banbury that robbers had killed his uncle. However, the truth was very different...

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Kirtlington Pond

The Ghost of Sir James Dashwood at Kirtlington

29 March 2021

Heyford Road, A4095, Kirtlington

Kirtlington village pond is said to house the troublesome ghost of unpopular 18th Century aristocrat Sir James Dashwood.

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Black Cat

The Beast of Otmoor

10 March 2021

Upper Arncott, Oxfordshire

Sightings of big cats have been reported in the area of Otmoor for the last 30 years. Does the area have its own crypto-zoological mystery?

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Miraculous Oats of Otmoor

10 March 2021

Otmoor, Oxford

The legend of how Otmoor got its name features a Lady Godiva-esque women, a horse and an astonishing sheaf of oats .

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Matthew Hopkins Witch Finder General

Foxes and Witches in Kirtlington

8 March 2021


The popular belief that witches could turn themselves into animals is at the centre of this legend about a local Kirtlington woman.

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Weston Manor House

Mysterious Maude of the Manor at Weston on the Green

3 March 2021

The Manor Country House Hotel, Weston on the Green

The ghost of a nun known as Maude is said to haunt 'The Oak Room' at Weston Manor House, the property now known as The Manor Country House Hotel.

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The Holt Hotel at Hopcrofts Holt

Highwaymen at Hopcrofts Holt

3 March 2021

The Holt Hotel, Hopcrofts Holt, Steeple Aston

The ghost of the famous 17th century highwayman Claude Duval is said to haunt the Holt Hotel. Even in death Duval is said to have an eye for the ladies!

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