Drowned Man Causes Oxfordshire/Berkshire Dispute
18 October 2021
River Thames near Kennington
When Charles Andrews drowned in the Thames near Kennington it sparked an inter-county argument over who was responsible for his body.
A Lordly Assault at the Randolph Hotel
11 October 2021
Randolph Hotel, Beaumont Street, Oxford
In March 1870, Lord Randolph Churchill was arrested for an alleged drunken assault on a police constable outside the Randolph Hotel.
Pantry Boy Murdered at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford
30 September 2021
Wycliffe Hall, Banbury Road, Oxford
In 1938 the University of Oxford was rocked by the murder of a sixteen-year-old pantry boy by a theological student at Wycliffe Hall.
Deaths at the opening of Oxford's first public bath
24 September 2021
Corner of Castle Street and New Road, Oxford
Joy turned to horror in June 1852 when two were killed in an explosion at the opening of the Oxford City Bath and Washhouse.
Infant deaths at the 'Home of Compassion'
23 September 2021
Catherine Street, Oxford
The 'Home of Compassion' was a Cowley-based foundling hospital, but with a shocking mortality rate.
Unexplained Air Crash at Bodicote
26 August 2021
Bodicote, Banbury
In December 1942 a Wellington Bomber crashed near Bodicote, resulting in the death of six young airmen. What caused the crash has never been explained.
A Theatrical Tragedy at the White Hart Inn, Witney
25 August 2021
Bridge Street, Witney
In 1653 a performance at the White Hart Inn in Witney was the scene of a tragedy that cost the lives of 5 people and injured 60 others.
The Swing Riots in Oxfordshire
20 August 2021
St. Helen's Church, Church Road, Benson
In November 1830, unrest over poor pay and conditions for England's rural population boiled over into rioting, arson and vandalism.